smartshell - less energy saves more

We are facing a global turning point. Saving energy and using it consciously is more important than ever.

While the use of vehicles or the burden of our meat consumption is already being discussed and partially regulated, there does not jet seem to be enough focus on the huge savings potential in housing. One third of our energy consumption is caused by buildings – during the initial construction as well as in our daily living.

When it comes to new buildings and renovations, many property developers advertise reasonable costs and refer to state subsidies. They talk about energy savings of 20 or 30%, which might seem like a big improvement to the consumer. The fact is, however, that we are technically able to save 80% in energy consumption for new buildings and 90% for renovations.

This is why it is important that construction projects are approached holistically. It might initially seem more reasonable for the wallet to tackle individual elements (wall, roof, window) of the dwelling. Here wrong advice is given in the market. Yes, a house consists of individual walls, roof and windows, but energy efficiency can only be ensured by considering all of the elements as a whole. It is therefore actually cheaper to approach a new building or renovation project with the highest energy standard as a target, so that from day 1 the energy costs are only 10% or 20% of what people are paying normally.

Partial renovation or full renovation

Reduce your heating bill

Modern, simple calculation programmes realistically compare the renovation costs and the energy savings for the building to be renovated. The energy saved exceeds the capital costs of the renovation.


This video from AK61 “Holistic building renovation with the smartshell reno”, presented by Franz Freundorfer, offers a deeper insight into this pioneering method. The smartshell team has come up with something special for the small areas of single-, two- and multi-family homes.


smartshell - the art to build a climate neutral home

smartshell was launched to make the benefits of the passive house standard accessible to everyone. We think about your new home in detail and don't just put components together.

We guarantee you the future heating and cooling costs and show you how to protect the climate and your wallet at the same time.

Our goal is to combine a clever building system (smart) and its appealing design (art) to create your new living space (shell). Thus smartshell is the art of making your comfortable home future-proof.

The founders of smartshell Sepp Lorber and Franz Freundorfer have developed the construction systems solid construction, timber frame construction, solid wood construction and the particularly important renovation with experienced master craftsmen to create new, more efficient and climate-friendly building systems. All variants comply with the strict regulations and requirements of passive house construction. The certificates from Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Passive House Institute Darmstadt make this proof. A worldwide network of partner companies guarantees extensive availability of the smartshell building systems. The close cooperation in the network and the basis of the pooling of knowledge in a strong community of specialists is a powerful engine in the further development of smartshell systems. The materials selected for smartshell not only offer excellent insulating properties, but also have a high aesthetic and practical value. By using renewable raw materials, the production of all smartshell components is highly environmentally friendly!

smartshell - less energy saves more!

smartshell solid timber

This passive house certified construction is available in four insulation thicknesses to suit your climate.
Rotate the insulated component and click on the hotspots for more info!
In one or two days, our certified passive house craftsmen create your weatherproof, airtight and load-bearing inner shell.